
Wilhelm Egger

My first memories
video length:
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
copyright location:
date of recording:
English translation by:
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Italian translation by:
Nicole D´Incecco
My first memories are only since 1919. From the First World War, I have no more memories. I was then often the case with my grandmother to street, Anna Toner. And since I can remember .. First death from my neighbor. - She was a cousin of my mother - has died at the birth of her child, on 15 August 1921. My first memory: as they arrived at the house next door out. Since the body was .. of neighbors and friends picked up and carried to the cemetery in the parish. Our farm is located at 1300 meters Eggern and the parish church at 1150th Eggern is on a corner on top of a hill. It is interesting that there are three such hills, in the name of Egger. One is in Treglovo and .. the court is one Siweiner, originally a German name also enroll Egger, and the second increase Liaun, which is about 1200 meters altitude. And then the third Eggern, located at 1300 meters, Laurein already on the boundary between the Italian community Brez and the German community. On the doorstep of a town road is the border.